Foot Reflexology & Massage

Reflexology is a therapeutic technique that applies gentle pressure to specific points on the feet,and sometimes the hands or ears, to improve overall wellbeing. The idea is that by reducing stress, reflexology helps the body function more efficiently. It is also known as zone therapy. While a foot massage focuses on healing the feet, foot…

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Body Scrub & Massage

Etiam scelerisque iaculis felis, eu sollicitudin arcu hendrerit vitae. Aliquam eget dapibus nulla. In nulla enim, fermentum nec placerat hendrerit, sagittis et diam. Fusce eget nibh et lacus tincidunt rhoncus

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Hot Stone Massage

Vestibulum et metus nulla. Hitrices orci leo, et feugiat eros tristique et. Proin ligula justo, iaculis quis ornare in, orem ipsum dolor glavrida.Nam id sem quis mauris porttitor conse quat id vitae dolor. Phasellus ligula velit molestie rhoncus ullamcorper mauris ultricies mi at pharetra.

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Deep Tissue Massage

Viva ladiet metus nulla. Hitrices orci leo, et feugiat eros tristique et. Proin ligula justo, iaculis quis ornare in nulla purus amitos.

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